eh...doesn't matter...they were awesome.
One of my exes told me that it was all in the whipping of the egg. He said I shouldn't stop scrambling until I was pouring directly into the nicely as he was laying it down...I didn't care what he was talking about...I just smiled and agreed.
His head game was also ridiculous...(Mommy, stop reading)...which means he pretty much got away with more than I would normally allow.
Yes I say allow because I'm not the one to really settle for something less than what I give, which is a lot.
Isn't it funny how sex controls us sometimes? How much we tolerate is directly related to how great the sex in the relationship is. Smh. Does that make us all simple twits, or lust-thriving freaks? Well its better than what some foreign alliance leaders call us.
btw-Like America, most of the people that you think love/wanna be you...Don't!