Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Healthcare with Some Poo and a Broken Hip

I hate the color yellow...
Idk why but yellow is just a dumb color...
But I do have a Spongebob t-shirt that I just can't part with...don't judge me.

Today is Tuesday and not much has happened... I watched an old lady slip in my dog's poo earlier.
It was a bit funny but what if she had like fell and broken her hip and slowly drowned from internal bleeding? Not cool.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about Obama's healthcare reform just yet...we'll see how it turns out.
I don't understand why people are flipping out now, he TOLD us that this was what he wanted to do...and we elected him...so why are people surprised that he's actually doing something that he SAID he was going to do? Smh...

On another note, Obama is probably great in the sack...

1 comment:

  1. It may help to bear in mind that almost all of europe has public healthcare! Of course we still have private healthcare - and for sure you can get non-urgent stuff done a lot faster with it - but if you get cancer, have a stroke or are run over by a bus, you're going to get good treatment whoever you are. It's strange to us that so many Americans are so outraged by that idea.


If you're offended, I could care less...
OK, that's a lie...carry on.